fashion MUST DO this year!


Hot Daring Lips.

for youngster (age 13-18yo) probably could DO this hot fashion trend first because of their idol,Taylor Swift,release her new album Red. And Taylor had Red lips on the cover also on her video clip. And for you (age >19), you should try this look when you go out side your cave! 🙂 

But, again, not all fashion is suitable with our body, our styles and our needs.




See, Things Are Working Out.

Being Happy...

This is really a follow up to my post

Apparently, I Believe in Miracles. Who Knew?

This week has been very stressful money-wise. As the necessities piled up (including another, very expensive car repair), I watched our bank account slip farther and farther below the minimum balanced we maintain. We keep a minimum balance because almost half of our bills are automatically debited from our account, and sometimes the debit-ors like to move the date around just enough to screw everything up if we aren’t careful.

Anyway, groceries were about twice what I normally spend, diapers and formula have really added expenses we weren’t counting on since our baby #3 will be breastfed and cloth-diapered, and then about $800 in medical bills arrived yesterday.

But today is pay day, and when I checked our account, I was shocked and incredibly grateful to see that my husband was paid $191 more than usual…

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